Diagnoses and premises
All neurological autoimmune diseases are treated in our apheresis center. Here is a list of the diseases we treat most frequently:
MS (multiple sclerosis)
RBN (retrobulbar neuritis)
PNP (polyneuropathies)
MMN (Miltifocal Motor Neuropathies)
MG (myastenia gravis)
SPS (stiff person syndrome)
PNC (polyneuropathia cranialis)
CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelating polyneuropathy)
GBS (Guillain-Barre syndrome)
other rare autoimmune diseases
We are currently treating our apheresis patients at 6 treatment places. These are all equipped with modern surveillance monitors, oxygen and heat therapy devices.
A renovation is currently taking place, which will soon give us the opportunity to put 4 more treatment places into operation.
In the apheresis center, 7 nurses with special apheresis training and 3 doctors are currently taking care of your treatments and your needs.

Treatment room 1 for 3 patients

different laboratory devices for checking blood values

Treatment room 2 for 3 patients and with prepared apheresis machines

outpatient infusion therapy in comfortable lounge chairs and television